Sunday, December 5, 2010


It is already the start of is always tight...this year more than ever it seems....all electronic items I touch have served their computer (ugh I can't even begin to is why I have a counselor appointment), my camera, my cell phone, the heat compressor, furnace repair, rising house payment, missing shingles, kitchen faucet broke off in my hands (that was a tricky one to live without), vet bills (ouch), water pump for new car (and by new I mean used lol), city irrigation connection (huge ough)...medical insurance company which now is asking for all their money back (unbelievable on this one), etc. I try to see a first I thought it was signals to tell me to move...NOW. But then it was also communication equipment, things to keep me in touch with the "world". I followed a lead by an artist I adore Linda Woods...her blog is insightful and hilarious at times...she used this concept to rid her house of spiders. Since I share her post-it documentation/listing I too begun to write out 'BAD THINGS GO AWAY' I get the drift right? I placed these notes everywhere I am (oh yea, mainly in the kitchen...burp), and each time I am upon the site of one I read it aloud (my dogs are used to almost anything)...BAD THINGS GO AWAY. So how do I know if it has helped...I mean, even though my precious dogs chewed away at the white-trash looking vinyl/wire fence and got out...and even though my SUV which is no longer 4-wheel drive is the choice I made to go find them...and even though I got stuck twice on route, and had to open my door to call their names because the windows were frozen, and even though the postal driver and the 2nd time an older man scooping his drive had to help me push my SUV back in the direction of my house...and even though when I tried to pull in the garage it only went in reverse and smashed the front of my sweet white car....SO....hmmmmm...are the notes working? Could it have been worse than this without the notes? I found my sweet dogs, I have ribboned, wired, bungied, roped and twined the heck out of the car still drives, I now have heat, I have a kitchen faucet with running water, I have a replacement cell phone, my mom is helping me buy a computer soon, my camera...well I always have the disposable kind...and the phrase for me..."do you have a payment plan?" Life goes on, luckily...BAD THINGS DO NOT HAPPEN HERE! (reworded)

1 comment:

Celestan said...

Written OH so perfectly...I love you my mama, only you could teach me the superhuman strength I seem to have when I need, and only you could endure the superhuman pain in the butt I caused you as a child (or teenager HAHA) BUT you will forever be my role model. If i ever need to see someone with an insurmountable strength, I look no further.