Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mulligan? Hmmmmm......

Have you ever wondered why things happen to you in your life? Have you ever tried to analyze it...if ONLY I had LOVED more/less, tried harder/less, worked harder/less, shared more/less, spoke more/less, believed more/less, listened more/less, offered advice/less, cared more/less, more emotion/less, laughed more/less, cried ahhh less, heard more/less, felt more/less, served more/less, slept more/less (don't think possible lol), cried ahhh less, gave more/less, more cooperative/less, offered help/less, exercised more/less, ate ahhh less, thought things out more/less, friendlier/less, comforted more/less, fought for rights more/less...and so on...that things would be different...I am transparent, loving, a passionate mom above all, delight in small things, loyal to the end, I am willing to try to save anything, friendly, funny, creative, an "artist" of sorts, kind, generous of spirit/nature, loving, forgiving, forgetful, anxious to please, hard worker, funky dresser, singer, animal lover, compulsive eater, baker, writer, yard worker...and so on...I am not hateful, always right, have to have my way, a player, cheater, liar, vindictive, inhumane, heartless, inconsiderate, selfish, deceptive, scoundrel, and ahhh tall...and although that list seems adequate for a human on this earth, it is not enough in my life...I still have such shortcomings that people I loved have to "hate me" in order to claim their life "guilt free" from creating a dilemma in mine. It is all about "wearing my heart" on my sleeve, when in fact it should never be worn on the outside, in the weather...those "hurter" people don't care about a list like above, they don't care how broken you can become because of their actions...if you live...or die...because it is easy for them...destroy and move on...never to return. I am tired of people who say/believe that we tend to learn/grow from those things that are a struggle/not easy for us. Therefore, the "Mulligan" issue. If I were to "do over" one piece of the puzzle of my life, which part would it be...which part might have saved me?

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