Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The mat arrived at Patricia's door still enclosed in its "concrete-form" cardboard tube, still with the bubble wrap, still with the giant flannel pillowcase surrounding it. It made it...I am happy that she is happy...I am happy that it has perhaps opened a window of opportunity...I am happy...IF I CHOOSE...I can make art...I can write my book...I can be stronger inside/out...I can believe in myself...I can wear cut-up tights on top of my leggings to the gym...I can wear handbands made from colored nylons...I can have hair that is many colors...I can wear purple mascara (on only one eye)...I can wear all different earrings...I can be short or tall depending on my shoes...I can sing...I can play...I can live...
And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed....Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

Anne -whose H20 Barry covets- Wendt said...

You are so cute! Why purple just on one eye?